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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

What we offer.

We offer quality care in a safe environment. We follow a daily educational program.

We offer different activities aimed at preparing the children for grade R.

We have three age groups. 1 to 2 Year olds old- toddler.

We have the 3 to 4 year olds-  preschool.

The 5 year olds - pre - kindergarten. We prepare them for grade R.

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All fees are inclusive of all meals and healthy snacks. Eating healthy is important for helping children to grow stronger, emotionally and physically.

When children are well fed they have more energy and stamina.  

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Toilet training.

Our well equipped toilets and basins are on the children's level. The toilets are well ventilated, clean and there is a changing station for nappy changing too.

Nap Time.

It is important for young children to nap or rest to recharge their batteries. Our separate sleeping room is calming, well ventilated and peaceful. Each child has his or her own stackable, comfortable bed. This room is perfect for a good rest. We sanitize all beds after nap time.

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Garden and Courtyard.

We are fortunate to have a beautiful enclosed garden with a huge tree for shade and luscious green grass for a soft landing. Our garden is equipped with climbing frames, crawling and hanging frames. There is a huge slide and two swings. There is a separate path for games such as hopscotch and skipping with ropes.

There is a separate courtyard where the toddlers ride their bicycles and scooters.

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Security and safety.

We have 24/7 armed response on call.

Safety is very important and we do viewings by appointment only. Strangers  are not allowed over our door during the day. We have a buzzer linked to an intercom system that opens the main door. Our security gate is always locked and can only be opened by staff. Our children are completely safe on the premises.

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